With effect from 1st July 2015, as per Health and Social Care Board guidelines, the practice will no longer be prescribing the following items:
Infacol®/Dentinox® Drops
Colief® Drops
Comfort Milks (Aptamil®, Cow & Gate® or SMA®)
Non-Staple Gluten-Free Foods e.g. biscuits, muffins, sausage rolls, cakes, pastries
Gamolenic Acid®
Bio-Oil Liquid®
CoEnzyme Q10®
Green-Lipped Mussel (Pernaton Gel®)
Glucosamine Products
The following items only will be provided on prescription for Gluten Free Foods:
Bread/rolls Oats
Breakfast cereals Pasta
Crackers and crispbreads Pizza bases
Flour/flour-type mixes